Filename Description Credits Contacts Keywords E000201 US coin with Eisenhower on face ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,capital,capitalism,coin,currency,money,silver,United States,US E000202 Woman looking at bills, standing beside kitchen counter ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bill,Caucasian,female,finance,groceries,grocery,home,indoor,inside,kitchen,people,reading,statement,woman,women E000203 US dollar bills of different denominations ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,fifty,finance,five,money,one,paper money,ten,twenty,United States,US E000204 Hands counting cash into person's hand ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: banking,cash,client,counting,currency,customer,finance,hand,money,paying,payout E000205 US paper money and coins on top of passport ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,coin,currency,dollar,dollar bill,finance,international,international travel,money,paper money,passport,travel,United States,US E000206 Hands holding grocery list, jumble of coupons in background ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: calculator,coupon,grocery coupon,grocery list,hand,list,shopping list,store coupon E000207 Roll of US paper money, with twenty-dollar bill showing ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: $20 bill,American,bankroll,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,twenty-dollar bill,United States,US E000208 Bank representative talking with client at counter ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: adviser,advising,advisor,banker,banking,businesswoman,businesswomen,Caucasian,client,customer,customer service,female,finance,financial adviser,financial advisor,indoor,inside,male,man,men,multicultural,people,selling,smile,smiling,woman,women E000209 Pile of US pennies ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,capital,capitalism,cent,coin,copper penny,currency,finance,money,one cent,pennies,penny,United States,US E000210 Couple with financial advisor ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: adviser,advising,advisor,banker,banking,businesswoman,businesswomen,Caucasian,client,couple,customer,customer service,female,finance,financial adviser,financial advisor,husband,indoor,inside,investment boutique,male,man,men,multicultural,people,selling,wife,wives,woman,women E000211 US dollar bills of different denominations ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,United States,US E000212 Customer at grocery checkout receiving change from clerk ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,black,buying,cash,Caucasian,change,checkout,currency,customer,female,finance,groceries,grocery,indoor,inside,male,man,men,money,multicultural,people,produce,purchasing,selling,shopping,smile,smiling,supermarket,woman,women E000213 US paper money and coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,cent,coin,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,United States,US E000214 Couple with financial advisor ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: adviser,advising,advisor,banking,businesswoman,businesswomen,Caucasian,client,couple,customer,female,finance,financial adviser,financial advisor,husband,indoor,inside,male,man,men,multicultural,people,smile,smiling,wife,wives,woman,women E000215 Asian paper money on top of abacus ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: abacus,Asian,bill,cash,currency,denomination,finance,international,money,paper money,world finance E000216 Woman reading newspaper ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,black,businesswoman,businesswomen,executive,female,indoor,inside,multicultural,newspaper,paper,people,reading,woman,women E000217 Calculator on top of US dollars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,budget,calculator,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,United States,US E000218 Woman looking out window ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,black,businesswoman,businesswomen,executive,female,multicultural,people,thinking,woman,women E000219 Briefcase on top of newspaper stock listings ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: attache case,briefcase,case,finance,financial journal,investment,media,newspaper,paper,stock listing,stock market E000220 Hands operating credit card sales slip imprinter ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: credit,finance,hand,imprinter,imprinting,retail,selling E000221 Magnifying glass enlarging corner of US $100 bill ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: $100,American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar bill,finance,magnifying glass,money,one hundred,paper money,United States,US E000222 Man frowning, pointing at newspaper stockmarket listings with pen ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: Asian,Asian-American,businessman,businessmen,calculator,finance,indoor,inside,investor,listing,male,man,men,newspaper,paper,pen,people,reading,shirtsleeves,stock market,stocks,tie E000223 Pocket watch on top of US coins and dollars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,business metaphor,capital,capitalism,cash,coin,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,metaphor,money,paper money,pocket watch,time,timepiece,United States,US,watch E000224 Hand holding out empty pocket ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: broke,empty,insolvency,insolvent,metaphor,penniless,pocket,poor E000225 Cash drawer filled with US dollars and coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,cash drawer,coin,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,tray,United States,US E000226 Man on treadmill, reading newspaper ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: Caucasian,exercise,exercising,fitness,gymnasium,indoor,inside,male,man,men,newspaper,paper,people,reading,treadmill,working out,workout E000227 Magnifying glass on top of newspaper stock reports ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bonds,finance,financial journal,financial report,investment,magnifying glass,newspaper,paper,stock listing,stock market,stocks E000228 Hands holding money and using bank machine ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: ABM,ATM,automatic banking machine,automatic teller machine,bank machine,banking,banking machine,cash,cash machine,currency,finance,hand,money E000229 US $20 bills, detail ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: $20,American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,twenty,United States,US E000230 Man using computer, stack of files beside him ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: Asian,Asian-American,businessman,businessmen,computer,file,indoor,inside,male,man,men,multicultural,office,paper,people,pile,shirtsleeves,technology,tie,workstation E000231 Stacks of coins, seen from side ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,change,coin,currency,denomination,dime,finance,money,nickel,pennies,penny,quarter,savings,stack E000232 Hand holding out empty pocket ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: broke,empty,insolvency,insolvent,metaphor,penniless,pocket,poor E000233 US coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,capital,capitalism,cash,change,coin,currency,denomination,dime,half-dollar,money,nickel,pennies,quarter,United States,US E000234 Jewellery and documents in safety deposit box ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: antique,bracelet,currency,deposit box,document,heirloom,inheritance,legacy,lockbox,necklace,object,pearls,pocket watch,ring,safety deposit box,valuable,watch E000235 Stacks of US coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,capital,capitalism,cash,coin,currency,denomination,dime,finance,money,nickel,pennies,penny,quarter,stack,United States,US E000236 Hands exchanging ten dollar bill ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,currency,hand,metaphor,money,multicultural,passing,transaction E000237 Cellular telephone on top of financial section of newspaper ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cell phone,cellular phone,cellular telephone,communication,financial report,financial section,investment,newspaper,paper,phone,stock listing,stock market,telephone E000238 Hands writing check ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: check,checkbook,cheque,chequebook,hand,pen,writing E000239 US dollars falling through air ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,devaluation,devalued,dollar,dollar bill,falling,finance,money,money market,paper money,United States,US E000240 Man rubbing head, piles of documents in front of him ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,anxiety,black,businessman,businessmen,fatigue,headache,indoor,inside,male,man,men,multicultural,paper,paperwork,people,shirtsleeves,stress,tension,tie,tired,workload E000241 Man's fist gripping US dollars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,bonus,businessman,businessmen,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,fist,gripping,hand,male,man,men,money,paper money,payroll,profit-sharing,raise,salary,tycoon,United States,US,wages,wealth E000242 Hands signing will ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: hand,paper,pen,signature,signing,will,writing E000243 Old-fashioned key on tabletop with coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: banking,capital,capitalism,cash,coin,currency,finance,key,money,old-fashioned key,security E000244 Hand holding money ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bundle,cash,currency,finance,hand,holding,money E000245 Assorted international money, beside globe ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,finance,global trade,globe,IMF,international,international monetary fund,international trade,money,world finance E000246 Bank teller counting cash into customer's hand, both smiling ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,banking,black,businesswoman,businesswomen,cash,Caucasian,client,currency,customer,female,indoor,inside,male,man,men,money,multicultural,people,smile,smiling,teller,withdrawal,woman,women E000247 US $100 bill held in money clip shaped like dollar sign ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: $100,American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,clip,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar sign,finance,money,money clip,one hundred,paper money,United States,US E000248 Finger pointing to balance in checkbook ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: account,balance,balancing,bank statement,check register,checkbook,checking account,cheque register,chequebook,chequing account,finance,hand,monthly statement,pointing,statement E000249 Woman's hand giving stack of US $20 bills to man's hand ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bill,bonus,bribe,businessman,businesswomen,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,deal,dollar,female,hand,male,man,men,money,paper money,payroll,profit-sharing,salary,transaction,transfer,United States,US,wage,woman,women E000250 Hands drawing money from wallet ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: billfold,cash,currency,finance,hand,money,wallet E000251 Hand holding US coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,budget,capital,capitalism,cash,change,coin,currency,dimes,finance,hand,handful,money,nickel,pennies,penny,quarter E000252 Woman sleeping at desk, papers around her ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,black,businesswoman,businesswomen,fatigue,female,indoor,inside,multicultural,paper,paperwork,people,resting,sleeping,tired,woman,women,workload E000253 Paper airplane made from US $100 bill ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,finance,flying,money,origami,paper airplane,paper money,soaring,United States,US E000254 Hands holding cash ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,currency,finance,hand,holding,money,multicultural E000255 Man's clasped hands resting on stack of US $20 bills ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: $20,American,bill,bribe,businessman,businessmen,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,finance,hand,male,man,men,money,paper money,profit-sharing,raise,salary,twenty,United States,US,wage E000256 Woman reading finance book and taking notes, sitting on couch; pile of books in foreground ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: African,African-American,black,book,female,home,indoor,inside,learning,multicultural,people,reading,researching,studying,woman,women E000257 Cloth money bag beside bundles of dollars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: banking,bill,budget,bundle,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,finance,money,money bag,paper money,profit,revenue,savings,wealth E000258 Hand erasing entry from spreadsheet ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: accounting,bookkeeping,budget,budgeting,eraser,erasing,error,finance,hand,incorrect,ledger,multicultural,pencil,spreadsheet E000259 Share certificates, detail ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: certificate,document,investment,paper,share,share certificate,stock,stock certificate E000260 Bite-marked pencil stub on pile of overdue bills ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: balance due,bill,debt,finance,invoice,metaphor,object,overdue,owing,pencil,statement E000261 Financial section of newspaper and bar graphs ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bar chart,bar graph,chart,finance,financial journal,financial performance,financial report,graph,media,newspaper,paper,stock listing E000262 Budget and expense files in wastebasket ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: expense,expense account,file,garbage,object,trash,waste,wastebasket,wastepaper basket E000263 Printout from adding machine on top of financial newspaper ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: budget,financial journal,financial report,newspaper,paper,printout,receipt,stock listing,tape E000264 Box overflowing with receipts ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: accounting,archive,bookkeeping,box,file,filing,object,overflowing,receipt,record,record-keeping,shoebox E000265 US coin with Eisenhower's head on one side, beside bundles of dollars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,banknote,bill,bundle,capital,capitalism,cash,coin,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,half dollar,half-dollar,money,paper money,stack,United States,US E000266 Statements with balance due ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: balance due,bill,debt,finance,object,owing,paper,pile,statement E000267 Newspaper stock listing, detail ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: finance section,financial journal,financial report,investment,media,newspaper,paper,stock listing,stock market,yellow E000268 Calculator ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: calculator,object E000269 Stacks of US dollars in different denominations, arranged in a row ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,fifty,finance,five,money,one,paper money,ten,twenty,United States,US E000270 Calculator on pile of invoices ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: balance due,bill,calculator,debt,finance,object,owing,statement E000271 Stack of bills beside calculator ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: adding machine,bill,budget,calculator,debt,envelope,expense,paper,statement,unpaid bill E000272 Computer printout of mortgage and loan plans ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: banking,credit,finance,list,loan,mortgage,object,printout E000273 Briefcase filled with bundles of US money ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,attache case,bill,bonus,briefcase,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,money,paper money,profit,profit-sharing,ransom,revenue,salary,United States,US,wage E000274 Hand unlocking safety deposit box with key ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bank,deposit box,hand,key,lockbox,locking,safety deposit box,unlocking,vault E000275 Bundles of US money; hourglass in background ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bill,business metaphor,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar bill,finance,hourglass,metaphor,money,paper money,time,timepiece,United States,US E000276 Assorted financial files ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: file,filing,finance,folder,information,object,record E000277 Scales with one side holding bundles of US currency and the other holding three gold bars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bar,beam balance,bill,capital,capitalism,cash,currency,denomination,dollar,finance,gold,gold bar,gold standard,money,paper money,precious metal,scales,United States,US E000278 Paper money in slot of piggy bank ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,currency,finance,money,object,piggy bank,saving E000279 Safe door opening to reveal bundles of US money, and gold bars ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,bank,bar,bill,bundle,cash,dollar,dollar bill,finance,gold,gold bar,money,paper money,precious metal,safe,safekeeping,safety deposit,security,United States,US,vault E000280 Toy house and car on pile of invoices ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: car,debt,finance,goal,house,invoice,lease,loan,metaphor,mortgage,object,paper,pile,toy E000281 Calculator and pencil on top of balance sheet ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: account book,accounting,balance sheet,budget,calculator,credit,debit,finance,ledger,number crunching,pencil,Photography E000282 Assorted financial files ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: file,finance,folder,information,object,record E000283 US coins on top of share certificates ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,capital,capitalism,cash,certificate,change,coin,currency,dime,dividend,finance,half-dollar,investment,money,nickel,profit,quarter,share,share certificate,stock,stock certificate,stock market,United States,US E000284 Calculator and pencil on top of budget sheet ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: budget,budgeting,calculator,file,finance,ledger,object,paper,pencil,record,spreadsheet E000285 Newspaper stock listing, computer printout, adding machine and tape ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: adding machine,calculator,finance,financial journal,financial report,investment,media,newspaper,paper,printout,stock listing,stock market,tape E000286 Pile of financial records ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: accounting,archive,bookkeeping,finance,object,paper,pile,record E000287 Brass seal on top of stack of international currency; stock certificates nearby ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: certificate,currency,finance,international currency,international trade,money,paper money,paperweight,seal,share,share certificate,stock,stock certificate,world trade E000288 Payment dates marked on calendar ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: calendar,date due,debt,due date,finance,object,payment,payment date,reminder E000289 Stack of gold bars beginning to topple ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: bar,devaluation,devalued,falling,finance,gold,gold bar,gold standard,money,precious metal,stack,toppling,wealth E000290 Jar full of coins ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: change,coin,finance,jar,money,object,saving E000291 US $1 coin ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,cash,coin,currency,denomination,dollar,dollar coin,money,United States,US E000292 Lockbox containing money, jewellery and will ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,coin,currency,document,finance,jewellery,jewelry,lockbox,money,object,strongbox,valuable,will E000293 US coins, close-up ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,cash,change,coin,currency,denomination,dime,finance,money,nickel,quarter,United States,US E000294 Wallet, coins and eyeglasses ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: cash,coin,currency,eyeglasses,finance,glasses,money,object,wallet E000295 US quarter dollar with George Washington on one side ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,change,coin,currency,denomination,finance,money,quarter,quarter dollar,United States,US E000296 IOU and receipts pinned to cork board ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: debt,finance,I.O.U.,IOU,loan,note,object,owing,paper E000297 US coin with female head representing Liberty, dated 1891 ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: American,cash,coin,currency,denomination,finance,gold coin,Liberty,money,United States,US E000298 Wallet, coins, books, eyeglasses and clock ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: book,cash,clock,currency,eyeglasses,finance,glasses,money,object,personal effects,time,timepiece E000299 Assorted coins from around the world ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: assortment,change,coin,currency,denomination,finance,international,international business,international trade,money,world bank,world trade E000300 Calculator and broken pencil on pile of overdue bills and papers ©1999 EyeWire, Inc. EyeWire, Inc. Telephone: 800 661 9410 On the web: balance due,bill,break,broken,calculator,debt,finance,invoice,metaphor,object,overdue,owing,pencil,statement